Sunday, January 25, 2009

Slumber Party!!!

Last night we had Hannah and Haydn spend the night, the first time Stella and Porter have hosted a sleep over. They really played well together and had lots of fun. Mike and Stella went to the video store yesterday and Stella picked out Wall-E, but Mike was the only one who actually watched the entire movie, the kids were too busy playing.

They each made their own individual pizzas. Haydn only put black olives and sauce on hers, no cheese---That's my girl! :)

Enjoying their pizza.

Watching the first few minutes of Wall-E.

Jumping on Stella's bed and trundle bed. Hannah and Haydn slept in Stella's room. Stella ended up in our room (go figure!) and of course Porter was in his room.

This morning painting some beautiful pieces of art.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Two Headed Burrito

Another wild night at our house! Mike rolled the kids up in a blanket and they had a blast from the past. It was so fun to see them having such a good time with their daddy.

A shot of them from the other morning that Mike took.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

What's This About Global Warming???

We got a nice little snow last night. Stella has been itching to play in it all morning, but Mike is working today so we had to wait until Porter was down for his nap. I'm pretty sure Porter wouldn't want to be out in it for long!!

Enjoying an icicle.

Her eyes are in there somewhere!

Sliding down the big pile of snow at the end of the cul-de-sac.

Queen of the Snow Mountain!!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Bubbles Bubbles Everywhere

I took some pictures of the kids tonight during bathtime.

Stella Claus

I asked Stella to smile nicely for me and this is the best I could get!

I picked up this pink sleeper for Stella's bear "Vada-Bear", as she calls it now, the other day at Target for .79 cents! She loves to dress Vada-Bear up in her clothes which are obviously way to big on the bear, this fits much better. She was so excited when we got it b/c she has pink jammies, too. She told me "Me and Vada will be matching!" :)

Porter's version of a horsey!!!

Stella loves to read to Porter and he loves it, too. So sweet!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Family Fun

We had a wonderful time with Mike's parents and brother here. Chris flew out today and Steve and Linda left on Thursday. I'm sure they are happy to be back in warm and sunny Arizona!!
Here is Grandma and Stella putting together a gingerbread tree.

Ta Da! The finished product!!

One day Linda, Mike and Porter all ended up in the same shade or orange which was really strange since it's not a real popular color, so I had to take a pic since they all coordinated!!! :)

Here is Uncle, I mean Uncle Chris reading to the munchkins. We started calling him Uncle Lewis b/c his plane ticket had some issues on the way up here and they had him programmed in with the name Lewis.

Grandpa and Stella playing Doggie Bingo.

Porter and Stella cuddling on the couch one morning.

Mike and Uncle Lewis playing with Stella's Magnatiles...this was even after the kids had gone to bed, they really are fun to play with!!