Friday, May 30, 2014

This and that

I need to move the photos from my phone to the computer due to storage limits so thought I'd update the blog before the photos get transferred. Some of these loaded out of order????

Last Saturday Stella came with me on my morning run, she was on her bike. Then we went to Lifetime and I did a class and she did a kids yoga class and loved it! We treated ourselves to Cherry Berry FroYo after all that exercise! Ha!

P finally started baseball. He loves it! We've been playing ball in the yard some. It's fun watching him learn and play. 

Celebration day (like a field day) was last Friday. I wasn't able to go, but Stella's teacher emailed me this cute pic of S and B.  I like to call them Double Trouble. Sounds like it was a super fun day! 

I had to ask mike last week what the heck this pic is of! He was on his way home from running one morning and this man was mowing the street. LOL!!! Mike said he went back and forth across the street about 6 times???? Hahaha!

P's class had his field trip to the zoo a couple weeks ago. The boys that were in my group (the girls didnt want to get in the picmwith them! Haha), posing in front of the geckos. 

Stella always keeps us guessing! She developed a very bad rash a few weeks ago, over a weekend of course. Took her to the doc and she has Fifths Disease! Nothing you can do for it except time. It doesn't flare this bad anymore, hoping its gone for good in the next week or so!

We joined a new gym and one big perk is outside pool! I took the kids one day after school. Hardly anyone there it was nice!

There are also 2 slides! They both passed the swim test and they are both tall enough to go on the slides. Thank goodness!! I was worried P would be too short and that would of been a huge bummer!

This is from this morning. Stella has a book about hair do's and wanted a bun this morning for her last day of school and she wanted a picture of it. Lol!  Alright almost time to go pick them up from their last day! Whoop! Whoop!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

First and Last

Well our last day of school isn't actually until tomorrow, but tomorrow morning will probably be crazy so I took their "last day of school pics" today! (I doubt they change much in the next 24 hrs!). 

Stella finishing 3rd grade! She had a great year at school, but is still ready for summer vacation!!

Porter finished up 1st grade! They just finished a unit in science where they had chick eggs in their classroom for a few weeks and they finally hatched a week or so ago. He loved it!

This was their 1st day of school for comparison. 

Counting down the minutes until 1:20 pm tomorrow! 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Porter is 7 and Stella runs a 5k!

Weve had a fun week with nice weather for a change! We hosted Porter's 7th birthday party at our house on Thursday evening. To say these 11 boys were WILD and CRAZY would be the understatement of the year. But they had a blast so it was all worth it!

On Friday I went to have lunch with Porter for his bday, but he ended up going with the other kids celebrating their bday that week to the guidance counselors room. She hosts the bday kids each Friday and gives them little trinkets. So I ended up eating with Stella. If a parent come to school to have lunch the child is allowed to have one friend sit with them. Stella ended up having 5 girls with with us. Not sure how she managed that! Haha! But it was a very entertaining lunch to say the least!

Friday evening was Stella's 5k Girls On The Run race. She did great and I'm not sure of her time or place, but I think she finished in the top 10 out of 200+ girls. Hannah was 3rd overall and Stella was just a few girls behind her. Her team brought stuff to decorate their hair and body with. The body markers DO NOT come off! Ugh!!,

Great shot of Wes and Hannah in the front and Mike and Stella right behind them! 

Stella getting ready to cross the finish line. I was looking into the sun and so we can't see Mike!

After the run

With her friend Ally playing at the park.

Saturday the kids threw together baseball game in the backyard. A few are missing from the photo. Yesterday they were playing street hockey. We are adjusting well to having a neighborhood with kids! 

Yesterday was The day Porter has been waiting for for weeks now! His 7th birthday! His big gift was this Razor 360.  He and Stella had a blast on it yesterday! Wish I was small enough to try it out. 

He chose Red Robin for his birthday dinner. He actually loved having the staff sing to him this year. Very cute!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Spring has Sprung!

It's rained nonstop this past Sunday-Thursday, but the upside to that is GREEN grass and warmer temps. Yay! Love Spring! 

Last Saturday our kiddos were invited to a festival in Ankeny from our fabulous backyard neighbors. The kids had a ball and I was able to work for a couple hours in the yard uninterrupted. Double win!

As I mentioned, it was a rainy week here. Stella is fabulous at being able to play inside without relying on the iPad or Wii, Porter not so much. I pulled out he Play-doh for him one day after school and he and I had a great time!

May 1st comes the May Crowing of mother Mary. The kids all bring a flower to school to lay in front of the statue of Mary. I attended school mass that day. Stella was the girl from her class that brought in flowers to place on the alter. 

After mass all the flowers were transported back to the school and lay at Mary's statue. The planting bed flowers are planted by the middle school kids outside the school near a different statue of Mary. 

The neighborhood girls had a picnic lunch on the neighbors trampoline yesterday. Fun!

Last night we had a family get-together and were able to celebrate my little guys upcoming 7th birthday!!!

We had fam pics taken Friday evening by a friend. She did a great job, this is the only pic I've seen (copied it from FB), but I'm looking forward to seeing more. It takes a lot of work to make us look good!

Rex decided not to come inside last night. When I came downstairs early this morning, this is where I found him. #lovemycat

And finally! Signs of Spring! Ive never seen a tulip open up THIS much! Picked from the neighbors yard by Stella, with permission (so she says!). 

The 2 trees in our front yard are in bloom. 

Flowering bushes near the front door. Makes winter *almost* worth it! Beautiful!