Sunday, September 28, 2008

Busy Busy

We've had a very busy weekend here with lots of projects. Mike and I started a few weeks ago working on our landscaping, which needs a lot of work, but this weekend Mike really went to town. It's starting to come together, but lots of work still needs to be done. We are also going to start painting the exterior of the house next week. Fun times!

Here is an after shot of the landscaping in front of the house.

Stella and Mike are SO strong!

Look at my muscles! (yes, she is in her underwear!!)

Porter helping mommy sweep off the driveway.

It's fall at our house. The neighbors even drained their in ground pool today, so I guess it's officially the end of summer on our street.

Mr. Noodle

Yesterday I took Stella to a birthday party and Porter stayed home with Mike. When I got home I asked Mike what P-man had for lunch...ramen noodles! Brother! Too funny. I guess boys will be boys. But I was shocked to find out that Mike had cut up an apple for him to eat too, at least there was something healthy in there! The apples came from our neighbors apple tree! Yum Yum. Here are a few photos of Mr. Noodle.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Porter Pickle Head

Tonight while Porter was eating his dinner I looked over and noticed a pickle on top of his head! It was SOOOOOO funny! He had no idea it was even there!
You can kind of see the pickle here. Porter and Stella love love love to eat pickles they inhaled a ton of them tonight and I guess he had one in his hand and left it on his mop top.

Another shot of the pickle.

He was so messy after dinner tonight. :)

And showing off his new trick...I think his older sister taught him this! He thought he was super funny tonight!

Ozark Trip-A-Roo

The Watson Clan traveled to the Ozarks for a 5 day vacation. Anna, Pat and Vada were also able to make it back for the festivites. :) The guys golfed every day and when they got home the girls left and went shopping! We also did a lot of fun activities with the kids. Stella and Porter went mini golfing for the first time and had a ball.

Stella, Haydn and I at the Bridal Cave. It was beautiful inside.

The guys and girls took turns cooking each night. On our night to cook we chose to do a Mexican theme and bought a pinata for the kiddos. Of course they loved that! :)

The children enjoying a weinie roast on our last night.

The guys took the kids go-carting one morning while we were out shopping. Pat and West took Hannah and Haydn. Dad and Mike took Stella and Porter. Word has it that Pat and Wes were going full speed, while my shy fries were barely going 1 MPH!

Of course a Watson vaca wouldn't be complete without enjoying a few adult beverages! There was this hole in the wall place just down the road from the house we stayed in and it was called Donna's Ice House (or something like that!). One night a few of us ventured out there for a brewski in honor of Mom (Donna!). :)


Wes found Camo beer in the Ozarks---TOO FUNNY!

I brought down rhinestones and lots of different nail polish to give the girls pedi's. :) So far all the only design I have mastered is a flower!

When we were in NC for Mother/Daughter weekend we bought the guys matching golf shirts!!!!!!! And they were troppers and actually wore them all on the same day together just to make us happy. :) I'm sure they received more than a few strange looks on the golf course that day!

Haydn did NOT like swimming in the lake.

Sara getting Vada to sleep.

The Kiddos

Mom made the girls pettiskirts a few weeks back so we took them to the Ozarks to get a few photos of them together.

Mom and Dad also bought them matching PJ' can see Porter was loving being surrounded by 4 little girls all weekend! :)

Hanging With The G's

On the way to the Ozarks we swung through St. Louis and spent the night with Mike's brother Scott and his family. Porter and Stella LOVED playing with Grace, Grant and Guy. Porter was 110% obsessed with Grant's work bench. He would not leave it alone. And Stella LOVED their trampoline!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Best In Show

We traveled to MA this weekend for Ayr Days. Porter and Haydn entered the Baby Contest and won the Lil Cowboy and Lil Cowgirl titles. We are getting geared up for our vacation to St. Louis and the Ozarks later this week. :)

Porter tipping his hat after winning Lil Cowboy.

Haydn and Nana in the Lil Cowgirl contest.

Doesn't everyone eat their pizza topless?

Picking up candy at the Ayr Days parade.

Just a random photo of Mr. Storhoff, I though some of you former band nerds may miss him! :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Thud. That's the sound I heard this morning, following by an ear piercing scream. Yep, it finally happened. Porter climbed out of his crib. I'm amazed it took him this long, he is such a climber. He'll be 16 months on the 11th. Stella never once attempted to climb out of her crib. Aw, boys!!!!!!!! :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Taking A Walk In The Park

A few photos of the kiddos playing at the park today. And yes, Porter's hair is definitely looking redder by the day!

Let's Go Fly A Kite

The past couple of days Stella has been obsessing about flying a kite. So today the kids and I walked to the park to fly their kites. Of course there was NO wind at all today! I was running around the grassy area looking like a total fool trying to get her Barbie kite in the air! I was seriously sweating after all of this!!!!! Needless to say the kites did not fly. Luckily Mike got home from work a bit early tonight so we walked to a different park, he thought there would be more wind there! Whateva! The kites did get up...barely! But enough to make them happy.

Admiring their fathers kite flying skills. :)

You can't really tell here, but Porter is crying b/c he wanted to play with his kite and Mike was trying to get it up in the air for him!!

Stella pulling on the tail of Porter's kite---at least it was air born!!!!!

I thought this was a cute photo of Porter---Stella actually took it!

Just a random picture of my 3 loves from the other night.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Porter Pie and Vada Voo

When everyone was out running errands Porter finally got a chance to spend some one on one time with little Vada.

Checking her out.

Giving kisses.

More kisses!!

Sweet Vada

Porter thought the dolly stroller was a great place to relax for a bit.