Porter on the motorized motorcycle Santa left.
Playing with their new trains and train table.
My in laws and brother in law from Phoenix flew in Christmas afternoon, Stella was very excited to see Grandma!
Over the weekend we hosted the Davidson Christmas at our house. Mike's brother, Scott, and his family drove up from St. Louis. They had a great time by getting stranded in Pella due to fog on Friday night, finally making it here on Saturday after going into the ditch on the interstate due to ice. Then to top it off Scott fell on our driveway on his way to get something from their vehicle and ended up with a broken arm. I just know they are dying to come back to our house!!!!!!!!!!!
Guy and Nora
Grace and Stella playing with the Magnatiles--a HUGE hit!
Chris trying to earn some brownie points with Linda by giving a foot massage. :)