Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fun Weekend!

We visited the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha, NE this past Saturday, one of the best zoos in the country. I've lived in Iowa almost my entire life and have never been to this zoo! We have season passes the DM zoo, but it was worth the drive to see the HD Zoo, and we didn't even see all of it after being there for over 6 hours. We stayed with some good friends on Friday night in Council Bluffs and Saturday night we stayed in a hotel in downtown Omaha .
Stella and Porter in the HUGE indoor jungle. The weather was not that great on Saturday, but luckily there was a TON of indoor exhibits to see. In the desert.
Porter getting up close and personal with the fishies.
Porter is obsessed with tigers lately, he was asking about the tigers ALL week long. He was beyond excited to see the tigers on Saturday.

We walked into the Gorilla House and this gorilla was *RIGHT* there to greet us! Too funny!
This is hard to see, but it was Stella favorite part of the zoo, so I had to include it. It was an infant gorilla being rocked by a zoo keeper. The baby gorilla was wearing a diaper, which Stella thought was really funny. :) The zoo keeper was even wearing a vest that resembled an ape so that the baby felt like it was cuddled up to his mommy.
Sunday morning we got up and headed from Omaha to MA. We had a wedding shower to attend in the afternoon then that evening was the yearly Beggars Bash at Judge Lewis Park. The kids were excited to start off Halloween season! Stella is a purple witch (not a witch, but a purple!), Hannah was clown and super cute and Haydn a monkey!
Sheriff Mike Sobotka was hanging out goodies, so we had to get a picture with him! :) Porter is Batman in case you couldn't tell.
Mike, Batman, and Wes.
Now a few random photos. Stella and sometimes need to find ways to entertain ourselves while Porter is napping. The other day we did each others hair. She thought hers was pretty funny!
Last night playing with the magnatiles and books.

Tonight after bath time.


Freebird.Crew said...

Porter has really grown since I last saw him. I love the baby gorilla in the diaper & the gorilla vest! Need to frame the pic of Batman & Spook!!

Angie Shay said...

The Henry Doorly Zoo is our favorite too! The gorilla must love that spot b/c we have a pic of him sitting there too! We have been to the KC zoo many times and it just doesn't compare! Next time you visit Omaha you will have to check out the Children's's great too! Every time I see pics of Stella she reminds me so much of you!

littlefamily said...

the zoo does look like a lot of fun. I like Stella's "crazy" hair!! Can't believe Porter kept his mask on during the beggars bash!

Nana said...

Looks like the kids enjoyed the zoo. The baby gorilla is hilarious! Stella looked so cute as a "purple" witch!! Porter was a trooper by keeping his mask on all the time. Was great weather. Cute of them after bath time on your bed.

Linda Davidson said...

It looks like you guys had such a great time. We already miss everyone sooooo much. The kids look really cute and the zoo looks like it was a lot of fun. How did Stella like meeting your friends baby? No pictures, I bet she was super excited. MISS EVERYONE

Amy Barker said...

So many cute pictures!! I love his batman costume. I think Stella's purple witch costume is so cute too.
We have the same fountain at our zoo in Norfolk. (I guess it's not our zoo anymore:) Cool pic of the gorilla!
Can't wait ot see you guys today!