Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Waiting for Spring...........

As y'all know we've been pounded hard this winter with snow, ice, etc. We are patiently waiting for spring. Yesterday as I was driving Stella to school, the snow was falling (once again!) and I said something like "When is this going to end!?!?" Stella piped up from the back, "But mom, snow is so much fun, we get to build snowmans, make snow angels, throw snowballs, eat snow". This is true, it was a nice reminder from a 4 year old that snow is fun......I just wish there wasn't quite *SO* much of it this year!! :) But to be honest, I've enjoyed this winter more than any others I previously have, not sure why since it has been one of the worst. I'm just trying to find the positives in things!! (Guess it doesn't really sound like it from this post, tho!!!!!!) :)
Here is a shot of icicles hanging from the front of our house. There are 100's more where this came from. Stella is dying to get that big one and bring it inside the house!!! :) Yesterday Porter was practicing his Kung Fu, I guess?!?!? He was using this broom to do all sorts of martial arts looking like moves!
Maybe he was needing to burn off some sugar b/c we made brownies yesterday, he loved them. Stella didn't like them! We need to have a blood test, no daughter of mine could ever turn up her nose at a brownie!!!!!!!!!
Playing with his diggers.
Yesterday was Stella's turn to bring something for Show & Share at school. She choose this monkey that I brought up from the basement last week. I think it was a gift given to her as a big sister gift when P was born. She had him dressed in a little yellow coat and diaper! As included in the pic is Curious George. Stella occasionally brings home books from school with a small assignment to do. Yesterday she had to draw a picture and write a story about something silly George did at our house. She wrote that Curious George got into her make-up, ate all of her food and didn't leave any food for her!

Trying to keep the kids entertained while inside can sometimes be a challenge. Today we dug out the finger paint!
Finger paint....not one of my most favorite activities (it's right up there with glitter in my book)!
But they had a lot of fun......

and that is all that matters, right!! :)


littlefamily said...

cute post! Isn't stella the one that likes vanilla ice cream rather than chocolate?

Nana said...

Love the pic of P with his Kung Fu moves!! Really concentrating!!! I agree, your daughter should like brownies!!! I'm impressed with letting the kids finger paint. I even kringed when you girls were little and we drug out the play dough!!!

Freebird.Crew said...

Now if she loves cheese, you may really have to question it! Very cute pics. You're such a good mom, always doing fun activities with them!

Anna Leigh said...

Great post! Love the finger painting pics! Spring will be here soon!!

Linda Davidson said...

What a great way to entertain the kids, I loved finger painting when I was little, never occurred to me what a mess it was until I was the parent supervising. Stella takes after Grandma with the chocolate, she has to have some of me in her????? Dad, & Porter make up for us with their chocolaticolics. GREAT PICTURES

The Uitermarkts said...

Cute pictures. Like the one of Porter doing kung fu :) Brave with the finger paints, I think we're all ready for spring to be here!