Friday, October 8, 2010

Center Grove Orchard

This afternoon we headed to Center Grove Orchard. We have been going to this orchard since Stella was 18 months old and we just love it! :) Stella had a doctor appt today at 1 so after that we headed up to the orchard. It was PERFECT weather and Mike was even able to join us! :) There weren't many people there today, I'm so glad we had the chance to go during the week rather than face the crowds on a weekend.

Running in the corn pit Stella cannon-balling into the corn!

Porter taking the plunge Stella bouncing on the huge air pillow

Porter getting some "air"!

Air Jordan!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finding their way through the childrens corn maze

Mike, Porter and Stella at the top of the giant slide Making their way down

Mike and Stella trying to rope a steer!
This orchard has a ton of cute little story book settings through out the grounds. Here they are exploring the Three Little Pigs houses, starting with the house built out of hay of course

Then the house out of sticks

Finally the house out of bricks

Our stop was the one room school house, Stella could not believe that people went to school in a building like this! You can tell how worn out she was at this point!!!


littlefamily said...

looks like a fun place. Love your "air jordan" pic!

Linda Davidson said...

What a fun day. Stella looks tired at the school, love the jump, it is soooo high.

Anna Leigh said...

What a cool place! That air pillow is so cool....I've never seen one like that. I bet the kids liked having you jump with them! And love the one-room school house....that's cool!

Freebird.Crew said...

This place looks awesome! I have never seen an air pillow like that, so fun!! The kids look great!

Nana said...

What a great time the kids had! Love the pic of you in the air!! Looks like a wonderful place - a lot to do.

Angie Shay said...

We visited the Center Grove Orchard for the first time this year too! In fact, we were also there on Friday afternoon! I can't believe we didn't run into you! Such a great place to visit!