Sunday, October 24, 2010

Halloween Fun!

We've had a weekend full of Halloween fun! :) Friday night was Kindergarten Fun Night at Stella's school. They had a different game in each Kindergarten room, a bounce house in the gym, pizza and cookie decorating in the lots of fun things to do. The kids could wear their Halloween costumes, it was fun to see Stella and all of her friends dressed up.
Here she is doing a bowling game. Each game had a different prize. Porter getting ready to do the ring toss. I didn't get many pics at fun night, I was too busy having fun!! :)
Today my mom's group rented a local community center and had a pot luck family Halloween party. It was a lot of fun as we don't get together with all the kids as much now that everyone is growing up and in Kindergarten and preschool. The kids had a blast. They got to trick-or-treat, play at the outside park, have a costume parade and eat lots of yummy food!
A shot of all the kids minus one who didn't want to be in the picture! Stella and Porter are on the left in the front row.
This evening was carving of the most dreaded holiday activity of all holiday activities!! But the kids enjoyed it!! Porter wasn't too into cleaning out his pumpkin.....guess who got that job!?!? :)
Stella enjoyed taking out the "guts".

With their finished products.


littlefamily said...

looks like a fun weekend!

Angie Shay said...

The Kindergarten Fun Night looks like so much fun! What a great idea! And the carved pumpkins turned out great!

Nana said...

What a fun wkend you've had. The party at Stella's school sounds really neat - alot of activities for them to do. And your mom's group had alot of activities too. The kids pumpkins turned out really cute, even though P didn't want to clean out the inside - can't say I blame him!!!

Anna Leigh said...

That is so cool Stella's school does that Halloween fun for the kids! Your pumpkins turned out great....we still need to do ours.