Saturday, July 16, 2011

4th of July in Okoboji

Finally updating the ole bloggy-blog with the 4th of July photos from Okoboji!! We had a wonderful time at the lake (as always) with all the Davidson clan. Scott, Nora, Grace, Natalie (Grace's friend), Grant and Guy came from St. Louis and Chris and Denise came from Phoenix and Denver.

Mike got a new phone a few days before we left for the lake and the kids loved playing all the new games on it! Lol! Here's Porter playing a race car game. Cuddle time with Stella and Chris

And Grandpa and Porter

Steve and Linda have a new tube this year. It is awesome! So many people can fit on it at one time. Here's all the kids on it before we took them out on the lake! They all had turns on it, I just don't have photos of everyone on it being pulled from the boat.

Here's Natalie, Stella and Grace doing "No Hands!". Stella, of course, LOVED riding it with the older girls.

The boys at the front of the boat.

The kids loved anchoring the boat and swimming out in the lake. The little boys really enjoyed doing this!

Hot tub time!

The BIG boys on the porch swing (Mike, Chris, Scott). The reason this is so funny, other than 3 adult men sitting together on a porch swing, is the night before Mike and Scott were sitting on it and the chain broke on one side. It was pretty funny. Although Scott didn't think so as he was laying on the ground in pain!! (It's funny now!!) :)

Sunday afternoon, Steve and Linda took the kids out for lunch and to see Cars 2. So the 6 of us went out for lunch then on a boat ride to Barefoot Bar. Nora and I both spotted these super cute swimsuit coverups that some of the staff was wearing and ended up with one each! :)

Chris and Denise

Self portrait on the way home from Barefoot Bar

Porter and Guy in the hot tub. They had lots of fun playing together.

The annual 4th of July Childrens Parade on Sunset Beach. Getting lined up.

Family photo

The St. Louis Davidson clan

The parade

Chris and Denise were on a walk one evening and came across this turtle. Chris brought it home for the kids to see. They loved it!
Mike driving the boat out to see the fireworks.

On the way to the fireworks (you can see Porter's shiner in this photo, he got that the evening before we left for the lake! Hit it on the corner of the kitchen island).

Porter zonked out during the fireworks. Not sure how that happened since we were right under them!

It was a great long weekend! We are already looking forward to next year! :)


littlefamily said...

great pics! what fun memories were made!!

Freebird.Crew said...

The raft looks so fun & I love your suit cover-up!! Sounds like a good time!

Angie Shay said...

What a great 4th of July! Love your family picture!

Nana said...

The raft is awesome!! What a great place for family memories!! Looks like everyone had a great time - the parade was cute! Can't believe that P fell asleep during the fireworks!