Friday, August 12, 2011

Iowa State Fair

We spent a fun day at the Iowa State Fair today. The weather was perfect and the kids were very well behaved! :) We saw lots of sights and ran into a lot of people we know. Just an all around good day.

Mike's favorite thing to eat at the fair is a Tater Ribbon. Here he is with his "baby"!! That was all he ate today at the fair. Guess it filled him up. The "new" thing this year is fried butter on a stick. OMG. Seriously, so gross. I am all about things on a stick and fatty foods to eat at the fair, but I do draw the line at a stick of butter, dipped in batter, fried (which makes the butter melt), then drizzled with glaze. But there was a big line for them, so I guess they were a hit! Stella and Clifford (Porter refused to get in the picture!)

Stella and I with GOP Presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty

On the boat for Ye Old Mill, I loved this ride when I was child!

At The Little Hands on the Farm, a super cute exhibit at the fair. The kids love this.

Planting seeds at The Little Hands On The Farm

Butter Cow! This year was the 100th year of the butter cow at the fair.

Stella with her cotton candy on a stick. It's as big as her!
Porter with his rice krispie treat on a stick, it's as big as his head!

The biggest boar at the fair, Tiny, weighing in at 1196 pounds!

Porter, Mike and Stella going down the Big Slide. I think this was the first year that no one cried!
A new thing we did this year was the butterfly tent. The kids LOVED this. Butterflies everywhere.

Kiss (or Kiss wannabes!)

We happened to be in the same spot as Sarah Palin, and there was a HUGE crowd around her. I had to snap a photo.
But I have to admit, her husband Todd, is easy on the eyes!! :)


Nana said...

Looks like a great time at the fair!! I've never heard of ribbon potatoes b/4! Tiny is HUGE - alot pork chops waiting to happen!! Glad you went on the Ole Mill!

Angie Shay said...

I thought of you when we were at the fair and how Mike and you always pick one item to count and see how many you can spot! A woman wearing a fanny pack made me think of it :0)