Thursday, September 8, 2011

Porter's 1st Day of Preschool

Porter started preschool today. He was SO excited!! Stella's been in school for over 2 weeks now, so he's been pretty bored with ole mom during the days! :) When he woke up he told me, "I can't believe I start school today!" Too cute. I took him shopping last week and let him pick out a new shirt for his big day. He choose this one that has a whale on it, which is perfect for him as he LOVES ocean life.
Mike and Porter this morning. Me and my baby boy!

Stella and Porter before loading into the car.

Outside the school, all smiles!

In front of his cubby. He was happy that his cubby was next to Sam's (Sam is a friend of his from last year). I was kind of hanging around the preschool this morning waiting for some of P's friends/parents from last year to show up so I could chat with them. Well, I had to be at work at the Y at 9 so at 8:45 I told Porter I had to leave to get to work and he said, "For real?". I said, "yes" his reply--- "Well then get going mom!". No tears from my little buddy. I'll miss him during the mornings for sure, but luckily I'll be working 2 of the 4 mornings he's gone.


littlefamily said...

love his comment to you! So happy he was excited to go to school!! He will have a great year!!

Nana said...

Yes, his comment to you was so cute! He certainly is ready to be back in school. Like his choice of shirts!!

Angie Shay said...

So great that Porter is enjoying preschool!