Sunday, October 9, 2011

Center Grove Orchards

Today we visited one of our favorite fall destinations: Center Grove Orchards. We've been going here each autumn since Stella was 18 months old. It's such a fun place! The weather was amazing today, we actually all ended up with a little sunburn!

Mike and Stella:

The corn pit was their favorite place to play! This was our first stop and we actually ran into our good friends The Ricklef's here!

Then we moved over to the children's hay bale maze.

It was popular place today, but the crowds weren't too bad. Here's Hadley and Stella going down the giant slide.

Mike and Porter, Jason and Owen are off to a late start!

The giant jumping pillow worked up a thirst!

On the hay rack ride out to the corn maze and pumpkin patch.

Ready for the corn maze!

The corn maze is a lot of fun. There are 10 stations in the maze and at each station you can paper punch a "symbol" off the maze sheet. If you find all 10 symbols you get a prize, a temporary tattoo! We found all 10 stations in about 30 minutes. Here they are at a station, punching their maze sheet.

At the pumpkin patch, ready to pick out their pumpkins!

They have the Three Little Pigs houses, checking out the house made out of hay.

In the one room school house. Stella was learning about one room school houses a couple weeks ago at school, I'm glad she was able to see one in person so close to learning about them.

Back in the corn pit! Stella ran into a friend from school when we stopped here for the second time. I just love her toothless smile!

I snapped this picture of Mike and couldn't believe that he didn't blink! I just had to share it with the world! LOL!!

Porter "Planking" in the corn. He's so trendy and doesn't even know it! ha ha!! He loved rolling all over the corn. At one point he stood up and had two kernels of corn stuck in his nose! Funny!


littlefamily said...

porter planking is funny! I bet they are sleeping well tonight. love that you ran into Heather and Jason!! What a perfect day to be outside! great at capturing Mike with his eyes open!

Nana said...

I'm still laughing about Porter planking too!!!! Looks like the kids had a ton of fun. I agree, amazed at Mike's pic - print that one off!!! Stella looks so cute with her teeth gone!

Freebird.Crew said...

This place looks awesome!!! Love Stelli's smile!

Angie Shay said...

Center Grove Orchard is so much fun! Love all of your pictures!