Monday, November 28, 2011


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. Steve, Linda, Scott, Nora, Grace, Grant, Guy and my mom and dad were all able to spend the holiday together at our house.
We had absolutely AMAZING weather the day of Thanksgiving! The kids were able to play outside a TON without even wearing jackets! (Unheard of in Iowa in late November!). Just one more thing for us to be Thankful for!

I decided to brine the turkey this year, it was the first time I have ever done it. Everyone said it was delicious, I don't know if it really was or if they were just being kind!! (Being vegetarian makes it hard to taste test the main course!).

I soaked Theodore (our bird) the night before in a water/salt bath. Linda and Mike were nice enough to help me out doing that, as again, being vegetarian it grosses me out sticking my hand up inside a turkey! But I was all on my own the next morning getting him ready for the oven so I had to do that anyway!

Linda getting Theo ready for his salt bath:

Where I spent most of my time, in the kitchen, reading my recipes! I loved every minute of it. Hosting is so much fun!! :)

Resident wino! Oh wait, that is cooking wine. Bummer!

I didn't really get any photos of actual Thanksgiving. For those of you who have been to our house I set up our dining room table in the sun room. It worked out perfect. Then the 3 boys sat at the boys table right next to us. They looked so cute all dressed in orange (that was not planned, BTW!). I love that the light saber made it to the Thanksgiving table. LOL!!

My mom and I have a tradition of Black Friday shopping every year!!! Woot! We LOVE IT!!!! This year Linda was able to join us. Here's mom surrounded by all the ads, getting our night all planned out! :)

The men enjoyed taking it easy and watching football.

Nora was the smart one of the bunch and did her Black Friday shopping from the comfort of home via the Internet! She scored some awesome deals!


Nana said...

What a great Thanksgiving you hosted! The turkey was deeeeeeeeeeelious! Along with everything else. Was good to see Steve, Linda, Scott, Nora and kids. A fun day - especially the weather and BF shopping!

Freebird.Crew said...

So fun to have everyone together! Your house looks amazing....and do you seriously already have your tree up, decorated, AND gifts wrapped under it? You are on the ball, Kay-kay!! Hope you scored some good BF deals!

Kayren said...

Bertie--I do have the tree up and gifts wrapped, but that is only bc we celebrated Christmas with the Davidsons over the weekend also. Post on that to come! :)

Linda Davidson said...

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving, Scott and Nora made it with no problems this year as the weather was fabulous. The food was wonderful Kayren & Mike did an awesome job, mostly Kayren. Donna brought a Tort that was a huge hit, Grace managed to finish it up. We were so glad that Jay & Donna could join us and see Scott's family. Shopping--- well we were together so it was fun.