Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Monster Truck Jam

Mike and Porter went to Monster Jam on Friday night. Porter has loved Monster Trucks for some time now and it was the perfect time for them to invade Des Moines! :) I told Mike a few times before he left to text me lots of pics so I could put them on our blog....I got two! Thanks, honey! LOL! And he didn't even text those to me until Sunday evening when he was sitting next to me on the couch! :)
The pics aren't that great. He's wearing ear plugs that they brought, which was good b/c it was very loud! The show started at 7:30 (which is when Porter is usually beginning his bedtime routine) and he fell asleep on the way home and when they got home he wasn't too talkative about it all. Stella spent the night with a friend for the very first time on Friday night. She's had lots of over nights with both sets of Grandparents and Aunt Sara, but this was the first friend sleep over and she did awesome! So I was all alone at home on a Friday night....and it was AWESOME!! :) I surfed the 'net and watched some TLC. :) Anyway, Saturday morning the 3 of us went out for breakfast and Porter couldn't stop talking about the Monster Truck show! It was very cute! He had lots to tell me about the show.

Here he is watching the show. P and with his good friend Eric. They actually sat in a suite at Wells Fargo Arena..... it's good to have good friends that have neighbors who have box seats/suites at "The Well" :)


Freebird.Crew said...

Our boys would love the monster jam! I am insanely jealous of your Friday night home ALONE : )

littlefamily said...

that is cool that P and M got to do that! I remember you telling us about that over x-mas!! Fun for Stella stay with a friend! Win-win for everyone involved!! Especially you-quiet Friday night!

Linda Davidson said...

That is so neat that the kids each had something special to do. I know what you mean a whole night alone by yourself, what a treat.