Saturday, March 24, 2012

Finally updating!

Guess I took a long blog break! Now I'm back. I'll be updating with a few posts tonight, so stick with me. :)

In late February Porter had a Patriotic Parade at preschool. The kids sang 7 to 8 patriotic songs and said the Pledge of Allegiance. It was very cute and sweet. The children made the hats they are wearing and the flags they are waving.

Stella's class celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday in early March. One of their activities was each child being in charge of a hard boiled egg all day long without letting it crack (following the Horton storyline). Each child had to make a house for their egg at home out of recycled materials and bring it to school and carry their egg with them all day at school. The kids even had to pay their teachers to babysit the eggs at recess if they didn't want to take the eggs with them! Very cute! (They paid them with the tickets they earn during the week....not real money!!). Stella was one of 3 or 4 kids that paid the teacher to babysit....guess she wanted to play during recess and not be responsible for an egg! She really enjoyed this project.


Nana said...

Love Porter's Patriot parade! And Stella looks so cute with her egg! Funny she had her teacher babysit it! Clever project!

Linda Davidson said...

Looks like a great time, love that they are learning patroitism. They both look so cute