Sunday, January 4, 2015

Christmas 2014

December has come and gone. We made a lot of memories and feel blessed beyond measure to have had the opportunity to see so many family and friends during the holiday season. 

Here is most of December in a l-o-n-g nutshell!

Love that Stellie still loves to sleep with her beloved "Vada Bear!" (she also likes to sleep in the guest room a lot and is gunning BIG time for that to be her room! Maybe in a couple of years....???

Decorating gingerbread houses

We hosted our annual Christmas party for my moms group. I don't see these wonderful families as much as I'd like, now that the kids are older. Most of them do belong to my gym, so it's sooooo nice running into them there and in the summertime being able to hook up at the pool with the kiddos. But I definitely don't see them nearly as much as I did when the kids were little. Here are the girls passing gifts for the grab bag. Didn't get any other pics! 

Rex helping me wrap gifts that were being sent to family in AZ! 

Porter had his Christmas concert. It was a Bethlehem theme.....P was a camel! 

Trying to get a shot of him. He's in the 2nd row on the end. The 3 wise men are behind him! :-)

We started Christmas break off with a stay at a nearby hotel. 

Porter found a huge Afro to wear at a neighbor Christmas party. 

Stella was at a cookie exchange party and I had P, Eric and EJ. We went to the nearby grocery store to see Santas sleigh and real live reindeer. 

On the 23rd we finally stopped to see Jolly Ole St. Nick!

We began making cut-out sugar cookies for Santa!

Prepping for Christmas sure makes one tired!!!

Christmas eve we decorated the cookies. 

The cookies they choose to leave out for SC!

The kids exchanged gifts from each other that morning. Stella received a large Beenie Boos from P.  Porter received a Chicago Bears shirt from S and put a brick in the box to throw him off! :-)

Christmas morning! Stella received a stuffed animal with magnets in its hands and feet.... It was at the top of her list! 

Porter received a North Face coat..... Had been asking for one for months!

They received great things from Grandpa and Grandma and were so happy to try out Porters new scooter and Stella's new rollerblades from them!

The 26th we traveled to MA to celebrate with my fam. Mom had planned a bunch of Minute to Win It games for everyone to play. So much fun!

Mom had has Christmas poppers on our dinner plates. Sara and Wes had matching crowns in theirs!

So did Mike and Dad,

Annual reading of T'was the Night Before Christmas. Now the grandkids read it to Nana and Papa. 

Opening gifts from the cousins. 

Pics that P took from his iPad. Hannah is wearing Vadas pj's that looks like a dog.  LOL!


Night out at Lefty's!!

The kids received stilts for Christmas to share. HUGE hit!!

They also each got a bean bag chair for their room. Porter LOVES his Guiness Book of World Records from Nana and Papa. He reads it daily!

Celebrating Uncle Kens bday and NYE on Beaver Ave!

So happy to have Grandma Linda spend a few days with us. The kids loved playing Jenga with her one afternoon. 


little said...

the picture of rex yawning is funny! the minute to win it games were pretty fun!

Freebird Crew said...

Porter as a camel is so funny! Lots of great pics, especially the kids in their matching pjs. So fun to see you all, hope to get together again soon!

Nana said...

Don't think you guys could of packed anymore into December!!! Fun time with all home for Chrristmas!! The sugar cookies turned out great for Santa!