Saturday, May 16, 2015

Busy start to May! :-)

We've had a fun and busy start to May. It's always a busy month with school winding down. 8 days left for our kids.....NOT that anyone is counting!!!

Stella's CHORO group had their musical and they voted on 4 different musicals and 101 Dalmations won. The kids have an amazing music teacher and always does such a great job with their concerts and musicals. This ended up being super cute!
Stella posing on the set. 

During the musical. 

Poor Rex!!! Wahhhh! Kitty got into a nasty cat fight one night when we didn't come home. He ended up needing surgery on his tail. He's no longer allowed outside, he's not too happy about that right now! This was right when he got home from the vet. 

On happier news, Stella ran her 5k for Girls On The Run. She did great! She had been sick that week, missed 2 days of school so she was a bit nervous about the race, but she finished strong! Next year she can be in track, so I doubt she does GOTR again unless they offer it again in the fall. 

This was them right after crossing the finish line. 

Cousins! They all did such a great job! And Porter was a good cheerleader for them! LOL! Stella has turned into a major tomboy and only likes to wear "long shorts WITH pockets," her words! 

Mike and Stella

The next night one of our good friends had extra tickets for the ICubs game through her work and they were in the Sky Box! Super fun! We went out for dinner as a group before then headed to the game that started at 7:30. Porter with 2 of his classmates, Leo and Austin S.  

Cubbie Bear came up and paid them a visit!

Stella and Averie. Averie is in 1st grade and the girls ADORE each other. I've given her a few bags of clothes that Stella has outgrown and every time she knows that she is going to see Stella she wears Stella's clothes, even tho they are a bit big on her. So cute! 

Ball field very pretty at night with the Capitol in the background. 

Porter's birthday was Monday. 8 years old!!! Crazy! And as an added bonus they didn't have school Monday due to teacher in-service! Lucky kiddo!

Tearing into his gifts!

He's not a big cake fan so we had brownies that night to celebrate instead. 

Happy Birthday, Buddy!!! May all your wishes come true!

Poor Rex still recovering, curled up on my lap. He looks huge here! 

Porter had his friends birthday party at The Old School Pinball and Arcade Game place in Grimes. The boys had a BLAST! Highly recommend! It was so funny as parents came to pick up their sons they all got sucked into playing games from our childhoods. I asked one boy if these games were as good as an X-Box and he replied, "no, these are a lot harder!" LOL! 

The shooting games were popular with this crowd!

Finishing their meals and getting ready for Krispy Kreme donuts! 

Just finished blowing out his candles. 

Got up,early Friday to get my run in before P's field trip and Stella's Biome Fair. It was pretty foggy and just beautiful! Plus this gave me an excuse to stop for a minute to catch my breath while taking pics. Haha!

Porter's filed trip was to the Sculpture Park downtown and the Art Center. 

Then to a park for a picnic lunch and a couple hours of play time. This was probably more fun for them than learning about art. Haha!

Left there and headed to the school for the 4th grade Biome Fair. Stella had desert and was mad bc she was told she has to paint water around it and she said that made no sence bc desserts are not surrounded by water....I agree, but told her to roll with it. It turned out really good! They did this 100% at school, except making the clay at home. 

Proud girl! And as a bonus she has her last Out Of Uniform pass to use that day that we bought her at the school auction. 


Nana said...

Stella did a super job at her Choral!! Great production! An ran an amazing 5K!! Can't believe our Porter is 8!! Looks like a fun friends party! Poor Rex!! Is his hair growing back yet?!! I agree with Stella about her desert project. Looks more like an island!!!MM

Nana said...

Stella did a super job at her Choral!! Great production! An ran an amazing 5K!! Can't believe our Porter is 8!! Looks like a fun friends party! Poor Rex!! Is his hair growing back yet?!! I agree with Stella about her desert project. Looks more like an island!!!MM

little said...

her concert sure looks cute! GOTR race is always fun. Porter's birthday party looks fun as well. We will have to check out the pinball place this summer. The end of school year sure is busy!

Unknown said...

Looks busy! Love the cousin pic. All those boys at the bday party gives me anxiety : ) Am sure they all had a blast! Hope he had fun turning 8 & tell S I like her project! So cute her little friend likes wearing her old clothes : )