Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Christmas Break 2015

Christmas Break 2015 was about as relaxing as they come! It was pretty low key for us and perhaps that had to do with not many sleepovers since a lot of their friends were out of town, or just laying low in general....but it was really nice!

Started off with Watson Christmas gift opening at our house then to the hotel for swimming and pizza. I didn't get a since pic of them swimming. 
Waiting not so patiently to open their stockings and gifts. 

Mom even brought up the T'was the Night Before Christmas book to read. 

The next day the kids decorated Christmas cookies and picked their favorite to leave out for Santa. 

The day after that was Christmas Eve. We headed to the early 3:00 mass and got thee at 2 to ensure we actually got a seat. I brought Christmas mad limbs and puzzle books to do to help fill the time. 
After mass, ready to change into comfy clothes!

When they went upstairs to change their clothes they also moved their mattresses to the top of the stairs all on their own in hopes to catch a glimpse of the Big Guy himself!

They were up EARLY on Christmas Day! I want to say at 4:00. We told them they had to go back to sleep until 6:30, I think they did fall asleep but came in at 6:00, so we headed downstairs! 
They were good kids again this year, I guess! We headed to MA on the 26th but I now realize I didn't take any pics. 

A couple days later Mike took the kids and a friend to a local popular skiing hill to sled and snowboard. That's P in the green coat. 

New Years Eve we were invited to a friends house. We made it until midnight! They kids counting down the ball drop. 

New Year's Day Mike met up with a friend and their kids to sled at Waveland! Very popular sledding hills. He ran into some people from my moms group too. I opted to stay home and stay warm and try to get the house back to a somewhat normal state. 

That night we had tickets with another family to watch the Monster Truck Jam! It's so silly and dumb, but it's definitely entertaining!
Scooby Doo Truck

And the day before the kids headed back this kitty was sad to see them return to school. Haha!

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