Friday, March 4, 2016

Kitty Cat Edition

The past 2 weeks have kicked our sick little hineys! One for the record books, but not in a good way. The Saturday before we  left Arizona to come home, I woke up not feeling right. I kinda brushed it off and powered through the last two days of our trip. We got home and Tuesday early morning Porter came into our bedroom at 3AM saying "he felt dizzy", a 103 fever, trip to the dr for both of us we were diagnosed with Influenza. No fun!!! We were quarantined to the master bedroom until Friday night. Mike was wonderful and ran the carpool, took charge of Stella and her homework, etc. P and I were in bad shape!

But we had this cute kitty to keep up company!

He needs a kitty sleeping mask. Haha!

Cuddle time

When will I ever be allowed to leave this room?!?!

Sickie selfie

Friday night arrived! The boy was so ready to leave the bedroom and watch a movie in the family room! He's escaping head first at the foot of the bed. LOL!

Rex cuddling with me in the FAMILY ROOM! Good bye bedroom! :-)

So cute! But back in the bedroom with a sick Stella. 

Our run of luck didn't last long. Sunday night I was in bad shape again and spent all day Monday in bed. No fun! Tuesday morning Stella came in our room not feeling good. Temp of 102! Nooooooo! At least she didn't have Influenza. 

We did finish up the Netflix series "Fuller House." Totally cheesy, but I didn't expect anything else. Haha!

She was home Tues, Wed and Thurs. 
playing with kitty cat. 

Another sickie selfie. 

Thursday night we ventured downstairs and watched Survivor as a family. Yay!

Stella returned to school today. I helped Mike at work for a few hours. The kids are both having sleepovers tonight. After 2 weeks of illness we are so thankful for things to return to normal!! 


little said...

the selfie with you and Porter you can tell you both don't feel well! Love the picture of Porter trying to escape the sheets! Glad Stella didn't get it as bad as you two. And Mike stayed strong and healthy!

Freebird Crew said...

Oh, wow. Am sure you were ready for those days to be over with! Hope you're all back to feeling normal again!