Monday, June 23, 2008


Stella wrote her name tonight for the first time. We haven't really worked on writing letters much, I was going to start working with her this fall, but today we did it for a few minutes and she did great. The second pic is how she wrote her name for the very first time, I think she did a super job. :) The bottom line is the S-T-E and the top line is L-L-A. She thought the "E" needed 4 lines pointing out of it, not just 3! She's funny. After being around Hannah this weekend (who is taking gymnastics class right now) Stella has been turning cartwheels all the time, which is her third pic.
She started complaining a ton tonight about her ears hurting, crying a lot. Mike is working tonight. The kids were already bathed and in jammies, but we did a Target run and I bought ear ache medicine and swimmers ear stuff. She was in the hot tub swimming a lot over the weekend and over at the neighbors swimming today so I'm wondering if she has water stuck in her ear. Right before bed she was complaining her head hurt. She wasn't warm or running a temp at all. I hope she feels better in the morning. We have a birthday party in the morning to go to, she'll be so upset if we miss it. Oh and she was so upset about her ears hurting, she was insisting she needed band-aids on her ears. So we trek to Target (in their jammies) with Care Bear band aids covering both of her ears. I'm sure we had a few strange looks coming our way!!!!!!! (I wish I had a photo of that!)


littlefamily said...

that is awesome Stella, that you can write your name!! She is a funny girl!!!

Anna Leigh said...

That is hilarious about the band-aids on the ears! And Stella's writing is great, especially considering she hasn't had much practice!