Thursday, June 4, 2009

Get Your Ice Cold Lemonade Here!

Yesterday at the library Stella picked out a Max & Ruby video. One of the episodes was about Ruby having a lemonade stand, Stella thought that was a pretty cool idea and wanted to do one of her own. So today while Porter was napping we opened a lemonade stand! :) I wasn't sure if we would even get one customer since we live on the end of a cul-de-sac and it was in the middle of the afternoon. We do live on walking trails, but I assume most people that are out exercising aren't carrying money with them!! Stella lucked out and the retired neighbors across the street both came over for a glass and a neighbor a block away walked by 3 times and bought a glass each time. Mike came home to grab a tool or something he needed and bought a glass and even left her a 75 cent tip! She made $2.75! I think we'll reopen tonight so that Porter can join in the fun and maybe catch some of the other neighbors on their way home from work. :) When I asked Stella how much we should charge for a glass her response was $60!!! Too funny.


Nana said...

Gosh, I wish Nana lived closer! For Papa I & I would sure be some good customers!!! Who could resist a saleswoman all dressed up??!!! Way to go, Cupcake!!!

littlefamily said...

you can tell she is having a ball! Boy, she even dresses up for her lemonade stand!!

Angie Shay said...

What a fun afternoon for Stella! Love her dress, too! I look forward to the next garage sale that Sara and you have :0)

Freebird.Crew said...

She must have some good secret ingredient to get $60/cup! Wish it was in my neighborhood, I would have been a big customer!!

Lisa said...

Stella is so cute I would have bought the whole pitcher! What a cutie. Yes, I would agree that you don't have the most hoppin' place for a stand, but sounds like the neighbors stepped up. How sweet! I remember selling acorns as a child, guess we had nice neighbors too :)

Amy Barker said...

Well, you guys must live in teh rich part of des moines for $60 a glass. She looks like she is having a great time. Lemonade rocks!