Monday, August 23, 2010

Stella's First Day of Kindergarten!!!!!

Stella had her first day of Kindergarten today! She was super excited, to say the least!!! She had a great first day, made a couple of friends, had PE and music class. I will be helping out all week during lunch to get the children used to going through the hot lunch line, opening up milk boxes, getting lunch boxes open and stuff. It was fun to help out today.

Walking her to the bus stop which is half a block from the house.
Getting on the bus. Riding the bus is a HUGE thing for Stella, she has been looking forward to it FOREVER!!!!!!!!
Although she rode the bus to school, Porter and I still drove there to take pics of her getting off the bus!! And I wasn't the only dork to do this, there were lots of parents there photographing their little ones getting off the bus! :)
In her classroom with the Ginny, the class Guinea Pig.
Sitting at her table.....I think she was getting tired of photos by this point!!!!!!

I picked up a cake for her today and had Kindergarten Rocks written on it to celebrate her big day! She loved it!
Porter shoveling it in!


Nana said...

Was so fun talking to S about her first day of school!! It was certainly a hit!!! So glad to see the pics and her getting on the bus! I'm so proud of her! Know she's going to have a super year! What a clever idea about the cake!! Makes her day even more special!

littlefamily said...

great shots, looks like her 1st day was a success!!

Freebird.Crew said...

I'm so excited for Stella! I love that she is riding the bus, too! Hope she has a great year & that Porter enjoys his extra time with you.

Linda Davidson said...

Oh Stella, I wish I could have been there for your first day of school. It looks like you had such fun. Your mommy was so cleaver to think of getting a cake to celebrate. This will be a fun year for you.

Angie Shay said...

So glad Stella had such a good first day! You captured so many great pictures of the big day!

azjenn said...

What a momentous occasion! I wish I had thought of the whole cake thing! Man...all I did for the 1st day of school this year was PRAY that Luke didn't have an "accident" at school and that Matthew would quit vomiting! :-) Your story...sooooo much better!!!! Way to go Stella! LOVE LOVE LOVE the whole papparazzi picture! She is ready for stardom!!!!

Anna Leigh said...

Go, Stella! So glad you are enjoying school so far! Love all the pics from the first day!