Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Loose Tooth!

Last week Stella discovered she has her very first loose tooth!! She is so excited as she has been asking for over a year when she would lose a tooth! It's pretty loose now, completely detached from the backside so tonight she wanted Mike to try and pull it with his needle nose pliers.

With the pliers Mike checking to make sure he is pulling the correct tooth

It did not go well!!! Poor Stella. :( The pliers hurt and she was not a happy camper. I do think the tooth will be gone within the next 7 days.....we'll keep you updated!
And I had to share a couple pics of P-man in his new blue hat. He is even sleeping in it right now!
He wanted me to take this photo of him with his new flip flops! He is also sleeping in those, too! Pretty funny, he takes his socks off as soon as we get home so he can wear these flip flops around the house.


Freebird.Crew said...

ouch! Makes my teeth hurt just looking at the pics! P is styling in his new hat!

littlefamily said...

I can not believe Stella would let Mike touch her tooth with pliers! I can see by her reaction she didn't like it either! I hope it is out by the time you go south! Porter looks great in his stocking cap!

Linda Davidson said...

P-mans hat is really cute, so funny about the flip flops. Stella was brave just thinking about Mike pulling out her tooth, got give her some credit, but it is a scary thing having someone pull a tooth out of your mouth.

Nana said...

Yes, I'm shocked too that S would let Mike get a pair of pliars close to her mouth!! Way too funny about P and his flipflops!