Sunday, January 16, 2011

Stella Lost Her Tooth!!

A big day for Stella yesterday, she lost her first tooth. :) And I mean, she really lost it! We don't know where it is (I think she swallowed it). We looked all over for it and I vacuumed the house and looked through all the dirt I vacuumed up looking for her little pearly white, but didn't find it. She was sad because she thought the Tooth Fairy wouldn't come if she didn't have her tooth, but she still did! :)
Here she is showing off her missing tooth. New smile!

She is very excited, you can see!! She had to tell everyone at church last night that she lost a tooth that day! :) With the tooth pillow that Nana made for her.

It's been cold the past week and last night the kids were needing to burn off some major energy, so they built an obstacle course in the family room. Then Mike and I started telling them different things to do such as: crab walk, hop on one foot, jump backwards, slither like a snake....etc. They were having lots of fun and they were both sweaty when they were done! I got out Porter's scarf and tied their legs together and tried to get them to walk around with 3 legs, but it was pretty impossible, they didn't figure out to work together. But was it ever funny to watch them!!!!


Freebird.Crew said...

Way to go, Stella! Hope the Fairy filled up your pillow!! Love the obstacle course idea!

littlefamily said...

love the pics of stella! Sounds like a great way to burn some energy last night!

Linda Davidson said...

It sounds like everyone had fun any way even if it was cold. I LOVED Nana's pillow, she is soooo creative. What a wonderful gift.

Nana said...

I'm in love with Stella's new look!! She is so darn cute!!! I know what a BIG deal it is to lose your first tooth!!! Sure glad the Tooth Fairy found her!!! The obstacle course was a great idea!