Sunday, May 6, 2012

Porter is 5!!!!!

Wow! Where has the time gone? My lil' buddy is turning 5 on Friday. He's such a sweet, smart, funny, loving, wild, crazy kid. Couldn't imagine my life without him!!! We had his birthday parties, yes, that is PARTIES with an "s", yesterday. He had a friends party in the afternoon then a family party in the evening. He was SUPER excited for his parties!! He is VERY MUCH into Lego Ninjago's right now. So that is what the theme was this year. He's taking a Little Ninja's class through a local parks-n-rec program.  We hired his instructor to come teach the kids some ninja moves during his party.  They had a GREAT time!! :) Above he's doing some ninja moves.

The kids at the party.

Breaking a board

Hannah then Stella and Haydn (blogger is being a huge pain for me tonight trying to post these photos!!!!!)

Playing Pin The Sword on the Ninja.  Me thinks P-man can see through his blindfold!!!
Blowing out the candles. For his friends party he was Kai from Ninjao (he's the red ninja and P's favorite), for the family party he had the white ninja, Zane.
My balloon creations, made to look like the ninja's and the master, Sensi Wu.
With the gift bag from Nana nad Papa, it's as big as him!

Trying to find his gifts!

Stella taking a turn.

Then Haydn's turn!!

Second birthday cake of the day! Sans shirt, he was hot and sweaty by then! He and Haydn doing some Ninja moves!

Bugs trying out Stella's new bike!!

P with in his Ninjago shirt :)

Uncle Mark taking a spin on Stella's bike!

Being goofy the night before the parties.


littlefamily said...

Porter's birthday parties were fun! WOW~ didn't expect a pic of me on the bike!!

Freebird.Crew said...

Did Stella get a chance to ride it, or did the big 'kids' hog her bike ; ). What a great day for P! I have never heard of these ninjas, must find out more. They'd probably be a big hit at this house! Looks like Porter had a great time. Do not know how it's possible that he's turning 5! Happy Birthday P-man!

Nana said...

What a great party you guys hosted for Porter. Can't believe he'll b 5this wk! He was so cute with all his Ninja stuff! Great memories for him!

Linda Davidson said...

What a great party, fun was had by all, it was so fun to see the little boys doing the Krate and the girls igh kicking them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!