Wednesday, May 9, 2012

School Mass

Stella's Catholic School has a school Mass every Wednesday morning for the students and anyone else who would like to attend.  Each week a class at St. Francis is responsible for putting on Mass (minus the Kindergarten classes). Her school is K-8, they start with the 8th graders and work their way down. There are 3 sections of each grade and today was Stella's 1st grade classes turn to put on Mass, the 1st of the 1st grade classes. Stella had a speaking part, she read the Prayers of the Faithful and also lead the outgoing song. She was VERY excited and we practiced a lot at home and they also practiced at school.  Photos were not allowed during Mass, but I did manage to snap this one as her class was entering the church, luckily she was the one who is not so blurry! That is her associate teacher in the background.

I had recess duty at her school today and luckily that directly followed Mass. Well they were a little late getting out for recess as her teacher brought them all donuts for a job well done during Mass! They kids were excited!!
Here she is with some of her friends at recess.

Porter won't be lacking for friends next year when he starts his school career at SFS.  Here are Nicole and Ally swinging him around!

Stella actually paying attention to Porter at recess! Usually when we are there she's too busy socializing and playing! :)

The kids are HUGE into Harry Potter right now! They play Harry Potter at recess almost daily! Stella's grandma, Linda, bought her the first Harry Potter book last weekend and Stella and I started reading it on Sunday night.


littlefamily said...

good job Stella! It does look like Porter has some girlfriends!!

Linda Davidson said...

Love that she is enjoying Harry Potter. When she goes to Disney World next time she will totally get that ride. Porter is such an easy going guy, it is funny he let the girls swing him around!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nana said...

So proud of Stella doing her reading! She has grown so much this school year. She's had a very successful year.