Sunday, February 2, 2014

Week in review

We are still pretty much in hibernation mode here in central Iowa. The kids finally went outside for recess on Thursday, the first time in weeks! I saw Stella's teacher at P's bball game on Saturday (her son is on the same team) and I was like were you cheering and doing a happy dance in your classroom when your students FINALLY went outside for recess???!! (she was!!) lol! 

Even Rex, who is covered in thick fur, has even come to hate this relentless freezing cold winter. He will only lay on your lap if you have a blanket on you! Super funny. Love my cat! 

This past week was "Catholic school week" and each day the kids got to wear something fun and had a fun activity going on each day at school. Friday was out of uniform day PLUS crazy hair day! Getting pretty wild!! We called Porter's 'do a "bow-hawk". Haha! 

Friday evening Hannah and I took our cat campion class at the ARL! Yay! Loved spending time with all the kittens and cats. Now we've completed the bunny and small animals training and the cat training. It's been SO MUCH fun doing this with her, she's such an awesome kid! 

After spending the day skiing and snowboarding a few weeks ago, Mike bought him and the kids snowboards. Brother! But he loved snowboarding "back in the day", so more power to him. They went out today and I stayed at home and enjoyed the quiet time. :-)

Total repeat from FB, but last might was the daddy daughter dance. Stella did NOT want hot rollers in her hair, but her hair will NOT hold a curl at all. The hot rollers worked like a charm!

After pouting she was able to smile!

Mike and Stella. 

Porter and I went on a date too.  Ate at the food court and saw the movie The Nut Job. Loved spending the evening with my boy! 

And just a random photo. While everyone was gone today snowboarding I was hearing a noise from the back yard. We have small ponds in the back, not on our property. There was a guy snow blowing the pond! LOL! They play ice hockey during the winter on there and I've only noticed seeing them move the snow for their "rink" with shovels. We hardly have any snow, so I was cracking up that they hauled their snowblower down there!

1 comment:

little said...

love Porter's "bow hawk"! Stella's hair looked so pretty! Fun tradition for Mike and her and then you and Porter too! Both kids are great at snowboarding! New found hobby. HAnnah really enjoys going to the ARL. Fun now that you have a couple classes done, that you can start working with the animals!