Friday, November 14, 2008

Fun Times

Last night our friends Blake and Lisa came over for pizza. They live in Omaha and were in town for a few nights. They have a boy, Grant, who is 3 and a little girl, Julia who is 3 months old. Stella was 110% obsessed with Julia and I can understand why, she is a total cutie pie!! Grant had lots of fun trying out Stella and Porter's toys. It was great to see the Vardaman Clan! :)

It was an exciting morning at our household. We cleaned Barney's fish bowl. Stella and especially Porter LOVE this task. They love to put the clean rocks back into his bowl. It doesn't get anymore exciting than this! LOL!


Amy Barker said...

sWell, this is not fair! My best friend should not get to meet my new niece before I do! bah! However, I guess I get to meet your niece tomorrow too:) I can't wait!!

I love P's shirt. How cute. I'm glad the kids had fun. Stella's hair looks really light. Is it getting lighter?

Anna Leigh said...

looks like fun! grant and julia are adorable!

Freebird.Crew said...

what cute kids! that's hilarious that they love cleaning the fish bowl. hopefully they want to help with all the chores around the house when they get bigger!

Linda Davidson said...

I am amazed that Barney is still alive???????????? That fish is amazing. The kids look like they are having such a good time, I love it.

Lisa said...

We had a great time with you guys! Thank you for letting us invade - I think there may have been one toy in your house Grant didn't play with? Maybe not. He just got wilder as our weekend progressed so you are lucky we stopped at your house first! Those pics are cute - I love how excited Stella got over Julia!