Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cookies, Frosting and Frosty!

Last week Mike was out of town all week and we were snowed in a most of the time he was gone!! We found ourselves staying entertained with lots of Christmastime activities. One morning was spent rolling out cookie dough that we made the night before, cutting out cookies and frosting them.

Some of the finished products!! Now, don't be beating down my door trying to be the first to gobble up these beautiful sugar cookies!
How I found them hiding after making the cookies! Thankfully the bookcase is screwed into the wall so it won't fall over on them!
Today Porter kept asking to go outside and build a snowman. When I took them out earlier in the week the snow wouldn't really stick together well for a snowman. Stella was pretty sure that since Daddy was home now HE'D be able to make one!!!
Here they are in front of the pile of snow in front of the neighbors house.
On top of the snow mountain!
Porter helping Mike out.

With Frosty! And for the record, the snow still isn't very good for building a snowman which is why he is so small! And we didn't have a big carrot for the nose, so we used orange sidewalk chalk! :)


littlefamily said...

love the cookies and their snowman! I think all kids could stay outside FOREVER playing in the snow. the girls NEVER want to come in when it is time. I remember staying outside forever too as a kid!

Freebird.Crew said...

Love the snowman & the chalk nose!

Anna Leigh said...

Those are some delicious looking cookies! funny pic of them in the bookcase!

Nana said...

So cute of Porter with flour all over his pj's!!! Why am I not surprised that some of the frosting is purple!! (Stella?!!) I think these cookies look way better than the overpriced ones in Valley Junction!!!!!!!!!!!