Sunday, December 13, 2009

Holiday Party

I'm fortunate enough to belong to a stay at home mom group with a great bunch of mamas! There are 13 of us that created this little group and we always have lots of fun together. The kids have grown up together and the hubbys even have gotten to know each other well. Last weekend we hosted our annual Sassy Mama holiday party. All but one member was able to make it, so needless to say it was a full house at our casa! The kids had a little gift exchange which was a lot of fun.
Here are the ladies that keep me sane most days! :) I didn't get a group shot of the kids, but I really wished I would of! Stella and Berlin

Some of the guys Playing

And the aftermath!!Stay-At-Home-Moms with a drinking and eating problem?!?!?! ha ha!!!


Angie Shay said...

You are so fortunate to belong to such a wonderful group! I think it is so great that all of the families, including the dads, get together for the holidays!

littlefamily said...

it seriously looks like your house has been robbed with all the toys everywhere! what a great party!!

Freebird.Crew said...

You are brave to be the hostest-with-the-mostest!! Looks like a fun night!

Anna Leigh said...

What a fun night! I can't say I envy your housecleaning party that followed the real party, however.... :)

Nana said...

Looks like a great party!! I hope you didn't spend too much effort cleaning ahead of time!!! Good memories!!

Linda Davidson said...

Looks like a great party so fun was had by all. You are such good host & hostess looks like the clean up will take longer than the party prep, but that is always the case at least in my house.

Dorothy said...

It seems as though you had a fun party. I too always have a holiday party. I love to do this and it takes so long to prepare for this, house cleanup...I think everything has to be perfect...don't know why because by the time it's over, the house is a wreck and takes so long to get things to normal again, food prep...I think every year I change the menu at least 4 or 5 times before I finally decide what to prepare, and what a mess that is to clean up...sometimes I think I have rocks in my, do I really want to do this next year..and next year comes and I really do want to do it again. It's a lot of work, but I love it. Everyone always has a good time and looks forward to coming and that's why I like to do it.