Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mr. Noodle

Yesterday I took Stella to a birthday party and Porter stayed home with Mike. When I got home I asked Mike what P-man had for lunch...ramen noodles! Brother! Too funny. I guess boys will be boys. But I was shocked to find out that Mike had cut up an apple for him to eat too, at least there was something healthy in there! The apples came from our neighbors apple tree! Yum Yum. Here are a few photos of Mr. Noodle.


littlefamily said...

that is too funny! Looks like Porter is wondering if his noodle will ever end!! Looks like he had a good time with daddy!

Nana said...

Hilarious that he was eating ramen noodles. I hope that he didn't put in the seasoning packet!! But looks like Porter was enjoying them.

Anna Leigh said...

Yes, that is one long noodle! Looks like Porter loves Ramen! Yum!