Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Let's Go Fly A Kite

The past couple of days Stella has been obsessing about flying a kite. So today the kids and I walked to the park to fly their kites. Of course there was NO wind at all today! I was running around the grassy area looking like a total fool trying to get her Barbie kite in the air! I was seriously sweating after all of this!!!!! Needless to say the kites did not fly. Luckily Mike got home from work a bit early tonight so we walked to a different park, he thought there would be more wind there! Whateva! The kites did get up...barely! But enough to make them happy.

Admiring their fathers kite flying skills. :)

You can't really tell here, but Porter is crying b/c he wanted to play with his kite and Mike was trying to get it up in the air for him!!

Stella pulling on the tail of Porter's kite---at least it was air born!!!!!

I thought this was a cute photo of Porter---Stella actually took it!

Just a random picture of my 3 loves from the other night.


littlefamily said...

stella did a great job of taking porter's picture!

Nana said...

What a funny kite story!!!! Yes, Muffin Man's hair is getting auburn!! Looks good!

azjenn said...

I can't believe that it is cool enough that you get to wear long sleeves. It is still so stinking hot out here! Stella is quite the photographer!

Anna Leigh said...

looks like the kite flying was fun--Hopefully you'll get some better windy days!