Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Stella had another birthday party to attend this morning. She's loving all the birthdays lately!! :) Her friend Claire had a face painter there to paint all the little ones faces. She did a great job. At first Stella didn't want her face painted--but she came around and decided she wanted to be a kitty cat. I forgot to take my camera, so here she is after we got home. Her face was a little smeared after eating cake and just being a 3 year old! :)

Mike's been out of town since Saturday staying at my parents. He was in a golf tourney on Sunday and then started laying tile in both bathrooms in my parents house. They are doing complete remodels on both bathrooms. Since he was gone I let Stella sleep with me. :) I went up to bed last night and this is how I found her. Completely under the body pillow and surrounded by all her "friends" that she *has* to sleep with each night. She also *must* sleep with her special blankie too, which is in there somewhere!! :)


littlefamily said...

her face is cute! I bet she enjoyed seeing herself in a mirror. Her laying in bed is funny to,she had to be HOT!!!

Anna Leigh said...

wow! that face painting is really good! And cute of her in the bed!

Nana said...

Can't understand how she didn't die of heat exhaustion with the body pillow!!!!!!!!!! Love her cat face!! Adorable!