Sunday, August 12, 2012

Iowa State Fair

We had a great time at the Iowa State Fair on Friday. It was actually chilly that morning! It felt fabulous after the heat wave we've had this summer. It was fun digging out jeans for the kids to wear.  But it warmed right up as the day wore on.

This year there were decorated ice cream cones scattered around the fair, last year I believe it was decorated pigs. The kids really had fun pointing out the different ice cream cones they found.

Stella at Little Hand On The Farm.

Porter at LHOTF

Porter milking a fake cow at LHOTF

Watching the baby chicks at the Knapp Building.

Stella future turkey farmer.
 Porter future turkey farmer at the Knapp Building.

I even found veggie corn dog! Woot! Something on a stick!

Stella and Clifford. Porter didn't want to be in the photo.

With Cy

 With some ISU cheerleaders.

Stella and Mike going down the Giant Slide, Porter didn't want to go on it this year.

Petting a baby calf

Another ice cream cone.

Pretending to be eating the fruit off of this cone.
 With the winning pumpkin!

We meet up with our good friend John Wulff after lunch along with his daughter Natasha an his parents. It was so much fun seeing him again! Natasha will be starting Kindergarten this year also.

Making some clay creations at Art Attack.

Natasha and Stella with the State Fair Ribbons.

In the butterfly tent.


littlefamily said...

looks like you hit all the hot spots at the fair!

Freebird.Crew said...

Love the State Fair! I like the ice cream cones & we always had to cruise down the giant slide, too! Maybe one of these years we can get back & go with you : )

Nana said...

Love the turkey farmer pics! U packed a lot into one aft! Didn't know about the ice cream cones.

Linda Davidson said...

I always think the state fair looks like fun yet we have never even been there. Looks like you guys had a great time