Thursday, October 23, 2008

Move Over Martha

Stella and Porter have started baking!! :) I'm hosting a play date tomorrow morning so I thought we'd whip up some sugar cookies tonight. My plan was to do this AFTER they went to bed...but Mike called this afternoon and said it would be after 7 when he got home, so I decided to let Stella and Porter join me in making sugar cookies. I think their favorite part was the rolling pin. We did pumpkins and bats....the bats didn't turn out all that great, luckily the oldest children that will be here are 3.5 years old, so I doubt they care how they look. :)

Showing off their cookie cutters.

Rolling out the dough...

Stella cutting out a pumpkin, the pumpkins were her favorite.

The finished product! They are orange with purple sprinkles...I have a feeling I'll be finding purple sprinkles in my house for the next month!


littlefamily said...

well what a good mom you are!! wish I ws there for a cookie made especially for me by Stella and Porter!!

Linda Davidson said...

Loved the pictures of the kids rolling out the dough. Boy does that bring back memories. Flour every where but I bet they really had a fun time.

Anna Leigh said...

Mmmmmmm those cookies look so good!

azjenn said...

You are the most patient Mom ever! They looked like they had fun. Matt looses interest way too early...guess I should try for a girl....maybe not...Looks like you made some great memories! Eat a cookie for me...I liked the bats!

Nana said...

Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmy! The cookies look great!! So cool that S & P got to help. I agree, flour and sprinkles everywhere. But priceless memories!!!