Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Action packed August

August, sweet, August! I have a love/hate relationship with August. Hate that my kids are headed back to school and another school year older, but love that my kids are headed back to school and back on a schedule and have a great school to head back to. :-)

Anyhoo, this pic sums up August quite nicely. Exhaustion! (and nicely tanned!) We moved at the beginning of August and that is a huge task in itself, but add in some major remodels and painting rooms, etc it was nutso! But we are blessed beyond measure to be in our new-to-us Casa and I plan on bringing here LONG TERM!!! :-)

PHoto below Porter lost his 1st tooth a couple days before we moved! And lost his 2nd tooth on our 1st official night in the new house!

Stella's bestie spelt over a few days before the move and the kids had a blast playing in their self made mud pit.

P watching tv!

We said good-bye to Cosmo, our foster cat of 13 months. But we are so happy to have our dear friends home from China!

Annual trip to the Iowa State Fair! Ate our way through the fair. Nom, nom, nom!

Back to school hair cuts!

Can't remember where Stella was, but it was just me and P for the day and he chose going to the zoo. He loved getting to pet a rabbit.

My all time fav pic of Rex! He's so cute! (and large and in charge!)

Jam session with the neighbors

First day of school! Stella started 3rd grade and was DYING to get Mrs. Thornton as her teacher and lucky girl got her wish! Mrs. Thornton is amazing we feel so thankful to have her as Stella's teacher. 

Hmmmm, blogger is acting up for me tonight. Photo above is 1st day of school. 

Porter and his 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Gaul. Stella had Mrs. Gaul for 1st grade also and we couldn't be more happy to have her again! Yay!

Chocolate ice cream mustache

Not sure where we were headed, but Rex obviously wanted to go with us! Haha!

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