Sunday, January 5, 2014

May 2013

We loved being able to be outside (despite the freak snow fall the first weekend of May). P got a bigger bike for his bday from grandpa and grandma.

I bought a groupon for Stella to try out horseriding lessons, she really enjoyed them!

Our little man turned 6!!! Enjoying an ice cream cone on his bday.

Stella decided to get her hair cut (I admit I'd been mentioning it to her for months!) Here's a before

And after! I love her bob, but she's growing it out again. Her hair, her decision! :) She looks cute either way.

It was the month for field trips and I'm blessed to be able to help out with my kids a lot. Porter's class went to the Raccoon River Park in WDM. Very fun!

Stella's class went to the Papajohn Sculpture Park in downtown DSM. Very cool place to wonder around!

They also went to the Des Moines Art Institute, another great place to check out.

Stella tried her hand at softball for the first time this spring.

With her teammates and coaches. She was on a team with kids from her 2nd grade.

Last day of school!
These are out of order since some where taken with my phone camera and some with my nice camera.
Celebrating Stella's 1st communion and Porter's 6th birthday. It was also the same day the Kentucky Derby was on TV! Very excited group watching the derby!!

With her cake

The whole group, minus Keith and Cheryl

Porter with his cake

We had a Mexican theme for dinner and so of course we had to have a piñata for the kids! As you remember there was snow on the ground, so we had to be inside. Wes was kind enough to offer to hold up the piñata!! :)

Porter and his friends party. He didn't want a big party, just his 3 best friends over for a sleepover. It was a really fun night! Great group of boys!

Watching a movie

On his actual birthday opening up his gift from Stella.

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