Tuesday, January 7, 2014

"Snow Day" Fun!

The kids had a "snow day" on Monday which was not really a snow day since no new snow fell, but due to the Polar Vortex we had beyond frigid temps the past 48 hours. We didn't leave the house at all on Monday, except for Mike. Our high was like -7 on Monday with wind chills making it feel like -45 below. Crazy!! I said many thankful prayers that day for a roof over heads and warm blankets, food in our bellies. It makes one realize how lucky they are. 
Anyhoo--- school resumed for our crew on Friday. Unfortunately both kids were sick and missed school that day. Porter was most upset that he couldn't go to school! The ickys definitely hit Stella much worse. Poor thing was in our bed all.day.long on Friday. All.day! Her fever spiked Friday night at over 104. 
Here's Stella resting in bed while Porter is rallying and being a pest to her! 

We had playdates planned for Thursday with their preschool, BFF's, but since my kids were sick we postponed to Sunday. Porter went to their house to play with Brant and Mallory came to our house. The girls had a GREAT time! (so did the boys, I just don't have any pics). 

So back to our snow day. The night before the kids were able to stay up late. We play lots of games/board games here and over break Monopoly Jr has become P's favorite game! 

Snow Day found them working on Lego sets. 

Then we did a handful of cold weather science experiments! Starting with freezing a t-shirt. Took just a couple of minutes. 

Porter is blowing bubbles which instant froze. Very cool! (yes, that would be our Christmas tree laying on the deck....don't judge!). 

I've heard of frying an egg on a sidewalk when it's super hot, but not freezing an egg when it's super cold! 

Throwing boiling water into the freezing cold air and watching it turn to vapor! So there you go folks, my turn at homeschooling my kids for the day! Haha! Stay warm everyone!

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